Supporting Expats to Thrive in Times of Transition

Release the stress, settle in smoothly and live your adventures to the fullest.

Both newcomers to expat life, as well as those who have been on rotational assignments for many years, often struggle with settling in and find it exhausting to make new friends. They have to manage stress and overwhelm, deal with loneliness and struggle to find a deeper sense of purpose and meaning to their life. This lifestyle is often full of adventure and opportunities, too, and therefore not feeling happy, satisfied or fulfilled can lead to guilt and confusion.

Through my coaching programs, I help my clients navigate the mental, physical and spiritual challenges of living abroad, so they can live their adventures to the fullest.

Check out my coaching programs tailored specifically to expats / internationals, or get in touch for a free chat to see how I can best support you and your family, or your international team.


New adventures

People who move abroad are taking a leap of faith into the unknown, leaving behind what is familiar to them, trusting they will find joy and excitement in their new location. Truth is, they often find themselves very confused and lonely just a few months into their new adventure. And no wonder, settling into a new job, a new school routine, a new social network is not something that happens overnight. Starting over is something that requires time and energy and adaptation skills. Change is not always easy, but it is the gateway to amazing new opportunities.


Major Life Transition

Do you ever feel lonely or misunderstood?

Do you feel guilty for not being happy with what you have?

Do you feel it’s just really hard when it seems so easy for everyone else?

That's exactly where I was fourteen years ago. I tried very hard to make it work, pushed myself out of my comfort zone many times, I did really make the effort. It was exhausting, and I often thought “is this it?” And just when I thought I had finally found my way, we moved again to another country and I had to start from scratch... and again several years later. The only difference between the second and the third time was that I had discovered coaching and came prepared. This time, I had a much better understanding of myself and I knew exactly what I needed to do to take care of myself. And that made all the difference in how I settled in!


Settling in smoothly

Many international companies have a lot of support in place. Often times primary needs like relocation services, housing, schooling, flights back home, health insurance, etc have been taken care of by the employer. However, after living abroad for almost twenty years, I have noticed a huge lack of personal support. Both on the work floor and in the home, for all members of the family.

It’s the kind of support that can’t be paid off with a higher salary, a bigger car or a nice villa. It’s the personal support of someone asking you what’s going on for you, how you are (really) feeling, creating a safe space for your thoughts and doubts without judgement. Someone who understands that your whole world has been turned upside down and that it’s great on some days, and very challenging on others.


Now imagine if there were someone to partner with you, to soundboard with, to support you, to help you discover your needs. Where you can share what areas are difficult for you or for your family, what you miss most about ‘home’ - and what you don’t miss at all. Someone who will guide you to learn how you can adapt, fit in without compromising your personal values or losing your own identity. And someone to help you see what you are just not seeing right now. Click here to find out more about my program Adapt and Succeed specifically tailored to people going through a life transition .

Coaching through change


Life & Leadership Coaching

That’s exactly what I do. As an international Certified Professional Life and Leadership Coach I partner with my clients to support them to (re)discover what drives them and help them create the life they desire. Together we explore what you really want and what might be getting in the way of actually making that happen. How do you want to show up as the leader of your life, both at work and at home, and how will this impact your current situation? Often times past experiences, underlying self-doubt or looking through a limiting set of glasses are blocking the way to new and exciting opportunities. And to your sense of fulfillment and fun! Together we explore any obstacles and we’ll make a plan to move forward. If you really want to make that change, you can and you will. I know you will.


Coaching changed my life

Everything changed when I stumbled on the fascinating world of human behaviour. Life suddenly made sense: how I show up, how I click almost instantly with some people and how it can seem impossible to connect with others. I got coached and decided I wanted to become a coach. I knew I was onto something incredibly valuable. I can honestly say coaching changed -if not saved- my life. I came from a very lonely place of self-doubt and fear and not believing I could ever be successful professionally. Today I am a multiple Certified Professional Life and Leadership Coach and proud business owner of my own international coaching practice. I have found my purpose in supporting other people to reconnect with themselves, discover their true values and find more joy and happiness in their life. To take leadership and ownership and live the life they choose to live. It took me seven years of soul searching to find the right support. I am here for you now.

What would you like to change? What is it costing you if you stay where you are?